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(define (save-partial imol atom-selection filename)

  (if (valid-model-molecule? imol)
	(let ((imol-new 
	       (new-molecule-by-atom-selection imol atom-selection)))
	  (if (not (valid-model-molecule? imol-new))
	      (let ((s "That atom selection did not create a valid molecule"))
		(add-status-bar-text s))
	      (let ((s (string-append "Saved partial model to "
		 (write-pdb-file imol-new filename)
		 (add-status-bar-text s)
		 (close-molecule imol-new)))))))

(let ((menu (coot-menubar-menu "Extensions")))

   menu "Save Partial Model..."
   (lambda () 

      "Save a selection from molecule: "
      (lambda (imol) 
	(let ((cv (coot-version)))
	  (if (string<? cv "0.3.3")
	      (generic-double-entry "Atom Selection: " "Coordinates Filename: "
				    "//A/1-10" "save.pdb" " Save Partial Model "
				    (lambda (atom-selection-str pdb-name)
				      (save-partial imol atom-selection-str pdb-name)))
	      (generic-double-entry "Atom Selection: " "Coordinates Filename: "
				    "//A/1-10" "save.pdb" #f #f " Save Partial Model "
				    (lambda (atom-selection-str pdb-name button-state)
				      (save-partial imol atom-selection-str pdb-name))))))))))