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(add-key-binding "Refine Active Residue" "r" (lambda () (manual-refine-residues 0)))
(add-key-binding "Refine Active Residue AA" "x" (lambda () (refine-active-residue)))
(add-key-binding "Triple Refine" "t" (lambda () (manual-refine-residues 1)))
(add-key-binding "Triple Refine AA" "h" (lambda () (refine-active-residue-triple)))
(add-key-binding "Autofit Rotamer" "j" (lambda () (auto-fit-rotamer-active-residue)))
(add-key-binding "Pepflip" "q" (lambda () (pepflip-active-residue)))
(add-key-binding "Go To Blob" "g" (lambda () (blob-under-pointer-to-screen-centre)))
(add-key-binding "Add Water" "w" (lambda () (place-typed-atom-at-pointer "Water")))
(add-key-binding "Eigen-flip Ligand" "e" (lambda() (flip-active-ligand)))
(add-key-binding "Add terminal residue" "y" (lambda () 
                        (let ((active-atom (active-residue)))
                          (if (not active-atom)
                              (format #t "No active atom~%")
                              (let ((imol      (list-ref active-atom 0))
                                    (chain-id  (list-ref active-atom 1))
                                    (res-no    (list-ref active-atom 2))
                                    (ins-code  (list-ref active-atom 3))
                                    (atom-name (list-ref active-atom 4))
                                    (alt-conf  (list-ref active-atom 5)))
                                (add-terminal-residue imol chain-id res-no "auto" 1))))))
(add-key-binding "Fill Partial" "k" (lambda ()
                        (let ((active-atom (active-residue)))
                          (if (not active-atom)
                              (format #t "No active atom~%")
                              (let ((imol      (list-ref active-atom 0))
                                    (chain-id  (list-ref active-atom 1))
                                    (res-no    (list-ref active-atom 2))
                                    (ins-code  (list-ref active-atom 3))
                                    (atom-name (list-ref active-atom 4))
                                    (alt-conf  (list-ref active-atom 5)))
                                (fill-partial-residue imol chain-id res-no ins-code))))))
(add-key-binding "Load RNAs files" "F9" 
                 (lambda ()
                   (let* ((home (getenv "HOME"))
                          (dir-1 (append-dir-dir home "data"))
                          (dir-2 (append-dir-dir dir-1 "rnase")))
                     (read-pdb (append-dir-file dir-2 "tutorial-modern.pdb"))
                     (make-and-draw-map (append-dir-file dir-2
                                        "/RNASE3GMP/COMPLEX/PHWT" "" 0 0))))

(add-key-binding "Toggle Ghosts" ":" 
                 (lambda () 
                   (let ((keyboard-ghosts-mol 
                          (let ((ls (model-molecule-list)))
                            (let loop ((ls ls))
                               ((null? ls) -1)
                               ((ncs-ghosts (car ls))
                                (car ls))
                                (loop (cdr ls))))))))
                     (if (= (draw-ncs-ghosts-state keyboard-ghosts-mol) 0)
                         (set-draw-ncs-ghosts keyboard-ghosts-mol 1)
                         (set-draw-ncs-ghosts keyboard-ghosts-mol 0)))))

(add-key-binding "Hydrogens off" "(" 
                 (lambda ()
                   (set-draw-hydrogens 0 0)))
(add-key-binding "Hydrogens on" ")" 
                 (lambda ()
                   (set-draw-hydrogens 0 1)))