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From CCP4 wiki
Revision as of 18:31, 1 February 2008 by Kay (talk | contribs)
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This inofficial CCP4 wiki is meant to be a collection of crystallographic knowledge centered around the CCP4 project. It may contain information about anything relevant to protein crystallographers, be it methods-related ("what is the best program for purpose X?"), problem-oriented ("my crystals melt if I look at them"), or even concerning hardware ("what is your opinion on robot X / computer Y?"). Many of these questions are currently answered on the CCP4 bulletin board, but the answers are not easily accessible after some time.

When there is an official CCP4 wiki, all pages from this inofficial CCP4wiki could be transferred to the official one.

What is CCP4?

CCP4 is a crystallographic program system, and can be downloaded from . It is free for academic use; the license is at Documentation is at .

How to contribute to CCP4wiki

Everyone is invited to contribute. Please create an account with a name related to your true name.

Getting started

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.